The animations are smooth and interesting and the way moves flow into each other looks great.

Fights are fast and combos and special moves are easy to perform, with a lot of room left to hone your skills to devastating effect. Injustice 2 is a 1vs1 fighter that feels a lot like NetherRealms recent Mortal Kombat X. Kevin Conroy continues to define the role of Batman with another fantastic performance and although he isn’t joined by long time dance partner Mark Hamill, old favourites like Tara Strong’s Harley Quinn and Phil LaMarr’s multiple roles are strong throughout.

Speaking of characters the voice performances are strong throughout. It feels long in its closing stages, but it remains cohesive and makes some interesting narrative choices regarding how some old characters appear. The story itself is interesting if slightly unremarkable. There is also varying dialogue depending on which character you chose in these situations so it yields a small amount of replay value. This is a small choice, but it’s a nice change of pace from the straightforward chapters. In each chapter, you will control a hero in each battle, although some chapters allow for choice between multiple characters, such as a chapter in which you control Green Arrow and Black Canary. The story mode is split into around 13 chapters each containing between 3 and 5 fights. Following directly from the first game, the heroes of the DC universe are fractured between a group dedicated to maintaining order and justice led by Batman and a group led by Wonder Woman that wishes to free Superman to deal with a looming alien threat.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.For the first time in recorded history, the story of Injustice 2 follows a rivalry between Batman and Superman. Overall, this is a superbly optimized port with the resolution differences barely noticeable due to the the devil literally hidden in the details in the backgrounds of levels.